You Capture: Vehicles

You Capture is looking for vehicle photos this week and I thought I would play along… so I picked up Schuyler from camp and brought him to his haircut.  While he was in the shop I went on a hunt for vehicles in the center of town for the challenge.  
First of all I found this beauty – a yellow and black Ford Mustang.  My dad loved Fords and cars in general.  He loved to buy them broken, fix them and drive them.  My brother Matt has carried this on making Demo Cars for the County Fair in VT and getting them all smashed up!  Sounds like fun?  You bet!  As a family they love it.  Matt had a blue Mustang when we were kids and we used to go to high school every day in that car….  fun memories.

Then I saw the blood donor mobile RV in the lot — I used to give blood and platelets in my past starting in college.  It was all about filling up that card with the gallon markers and earning those blood drop pins.  I was so glad to be helping out in that way and continued with platelets at DHMC in Darmouth.  Thinking my platelets were saving lives was a true gift that I could give.

The Farmer’s Market in town is every Thursday and you have fresh baked goods, plants, flowers, jams, jellies, sauces, and organic meats, vegetables and more.  It is a real home town thing to do in supporting these local farmers.  They seem to have a farmer’s market in most towns and our day is Thursday.  I took this picture of the truck from the Perenial Farm that is on Bay Road.  I have bought some plants from them and they are all so beautiful.

And then back to the salon I took this photo of their wooden gas tank. It fits the theme and was just so cute.  The name of the salon is Station 5 — they have lamps that you hang from the bottom of vehicles as their lighting — all very creative and a nice group of girls!  ðŸ™‚

I hope you like my photos – please leave a comment below if you do!  ðŸ™‚

Here is a link to this week’s other great vehicle photos!  

Rules of You Capture:
1.  Anyone can join in on the challenge at anytime.
2.  Please make sure the photos you use were taken for the challenge, meaning do not search your archives for an appropriate photo.  The goal of You Capture is to get you out taking photos each week!
3.  Use YOUR photos.
4.  When linking up, only link to your You Capture blog post, not your main blog URL.   (incorrect links will be deleted.)


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Nancy Cook 2021

About Nancy

Nancy Peck Cook is a trainer and speaker who has presented in front of large and small audiences for the past 25 years.  Her work as an executive and volunteer trainer for the American Cancer Society during the growth of the signature activity Relay For Life trained professionals to be more confident and successful in their roles. 

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