OK – so I shared some of my fun pics from Schuyler’s 8th birthday party this past year an earlier post this week, the theme with You Capture today is Play — so — I am totally breaking the rules and going into my archives on this one (photos are from his 7th birthday- 2008)…. sorry. But I totally love these photos from his party and wanted to share them!
Promise to get out more this week and take photos — but you will all love this one of Schuyler’s friends from Kindergarten – twins Marin & Eliza and then this one of Marin (she looks so good in front of the camera) and then this one of Schuyler and Veronica – – his buddy / friend that comes over all the time to play! I love these kids and love catching them in action (and in costume because of his party!) The twins really loved playing with Schuyler, they are moving because their dad is now out of grad school and we are sad about that… I remember when Schuyler went to their party when they turned 7 — they were thrilled and the dad commented to me “We never thought anyone would replace Diego — until the twins met Schuyler….” so very cute! 🙂
Hope you like these photos as much as I do! Please leave a note if you stop by!