Winning Wine Wednesday ! Kendall Jackson Chardonnay

Here it is —- a concept to share along with all the memes for blogging in the virtual neighborhood — This is a day to share your favorite wine for the week.  Please comment if you have had this wine, like this wine, hate this wine or have some other wine story to share!  🙂

My choice this week: 


Double Gold – 2009 Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Wine Competition

Highly RecommendedNewsday, November 2009 
Wine Statistics
Appellation: California
Composition: 100% Chardonnay
Growing Regions: 61% Monterey County, 33% Santa Barbara County, 5% Mendocino County, 1% Sonoma County
Alcohol: 13.5%
T.A.: 0.69g/100ml
pH: 3.45

How you were introduced? 
An all time favorite wine….  to order at restaurants, to get on sale at Liquor 44 and store it by the case.  So refreshing and ALWAYS consistent.  Hence my quote that KJ is the Coca-cola of Chardonnays.  You can buy it anywhere and be satisfied with the taste.  They make a LOT of this wine which make it a great value wine for the price.  We used to be able to get it for 9.99, but the lowest I have seen it lately is 11.99. 

Cellar/Tasting Notes

Oakey and citrus make this a nice compliment to any meal, especially seafood and chicken.  Serve as cold as possible in my book — I love cold chardonnay and have been known to return it if it was not up to my level of coldness. Honestly – the reserve, the grand reserve and the just plain old KJ all taste about the same to me, so enjoy any of them — you won’t be disappointed.

KJ Website Tasting Notes
“This Chardonnay bursts with tropical flavors such as mango, papaya and pineapple with citrus notes that explode in your mouth. These flavors delicately intertwine with aromas of green apple and pear to create depth and balance throughout. A hint of toasted oak rounds out the long lingering finish.” – Randy Ullom, Winemaster

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Nancy Cook 2021

About Nancy

Nancy Peck Cook is a trainer and speaker who has presented in front of large and small audiences for the past 25 years.  Her work as an executive and volunteer trainer for the American Cancer Society during the growth of the signature activity Relay For Life trained professionals to be more confident and successful in their roles. 

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