This blog carnival is truly as easy as it sounds…
Each week, The (Un)Experienced Mom (who is on vacation, and not posting today!) and “Confessions from a Working Mom” will pick a category, then ask you to share your Top 3 thoughts on it. We hope you’ll play along with us!
This week, in honor of “Confessions from a Working Mom’s” Blog Birthday Bash asks
What are your Top 3 favorite ages?
(Or, your Top 3 favorite ages for your kids?)
1. Third grade – Age 9 – I remember times with family, with church, Rock Point, Jericho, Vermont, adventures on the river at The Old Red Mill. I remember our happy family unit when Dad worked at IBM and Mom started her hobby farm with goats, maple syrup & even took a shot at grapes and making Cold Duck (yuck). 🙂 She made wheat bread, whole wheat chocolate chip cookies and taking time fighting over what show to watch on our tiny TV set. Riding bikes on Mill Street, rolling down into a pile of leaves at the bottom of the hill and sledding in all different areas of town. This will be a time in my memory forever. It has been interesting on facebook reconnecting with friends from back in these days…. spurring on these memories. I am thankful. I miss my dad when I remember these times even more than ever.
2. Junior Year in High School (BFA Fairfax) – Age 17. I remember the State Class M Championships playing ball with the girls – Laurie Jucket (point guard) – Diana Gates (power forward) and Carolyn Stewart. It was a time of teamwork, realizing your strengths, your weaknesses. I was so active in everything, student council, honor society, band, and all the sports. I still have my letter jacket! I loved my friends and all the great times. Suzy, Amy & Cindy are three friends I have reconnected with on facebook, and it is amazing after so many years, how we have picked up our friendships once again.
3. Now! 45? 🙂 OK yes, I am 45 and this birthday and the ones I have had recently have to be the BEST. Just because I appreciate life so much more now than ever. I love my family, my friends, my husband (the most amazing man EVER). This is it. I will celebrate these birthdays more and more each year, because I cherish each moment with the ones that I love so much. Celebrate life. Celebrate your birthday. It is YOU they celebrate and YOU deserve the best. I love birthdays, mine and everyone elses that I care about – and plan on celebrating them all as much as possible. We have ice cream cake for every birthday, even Stephen who hates cake…. Schuyler’s party is the big event each year, with tons of kids, lots of photos, costume party & just the most fun ever! Samantha’s birthday is a family treat with her friends and margaritas, Stephen’s is just something small but special & Steve’s is an intimate affair (with me!). I love birthdays!!