Timberman 70.3 – RESULTS are posted!

293 Overall out of 1493 that finished the 70.3 distance

Bib #1332 70.3 Nancy Peck
SWIM: Rank 740 Time: 40:01 Pace (per mile) 33:21
T1: 2:06
BIKE: Rank 452 Time: 2:51:41 19.6mph
T2: 1:50
RUN: Rank: 186 Time: 1:40:00 7:38 min/mile
Overall time: 5:15:36 Division place: 3/73 F40-44 Female rank 37/475

CLICK HERE for the overall results!

And just because I am comptetive and would love to know where I could improve to win – here is the girl (Elaine) who placed ahead of me: 8 1/2 min faster in the swim, transitions are slower, bike time – the same,and my run was faster. : )

226 1390 70.3 Elaine Debitetto 43 F STOW MA 115 31:33 26:17 2:27 373 2:49:24 19.8 1:48 268 1:43:52 7:56 5:09:01 2/73 F40-44 27/475 F

AND the winner in my age group – who I think raced pro or elite which is why she wasn’t on the podium: 9 min faster in the swim, I am faster on the bike and she is almost 2 min faster on the run.

193 1375 70.3 Leslie Myers 40 F BURLINGT VT 94 30:58 25:49 1:47 449 2:51:39 19.6 1:55 147 1:37:59 7:29 5:04:16 1/73 F40-44 22/475 F

So there you have it – I need to swim and bike and run just a little bit more…. to win! I think I will get in the water before Florida and try to squeeze one more tri in before the end of the season. Time to think about how to keep training this distance and the Chicago marathon at the same time – at least I know my run will be there.

I just know that right now I am on a cloud!

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Nancy Cook 2021

About Nancy

Nancy Peck Cook is a trainer and speaker who has presented in front of large and small audiences for the past 25 years.  Her work as an executive and volunteer trainer for the American Cancer Society during the growth of the signature activity Relay For Life trained professionals to be more confident and successful in their roles. 

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