This is Who I Am {1}

This is who I am….  You look at these photos below, and if you don’t know me, or even if you do, I can elaborate a little more why I chose these things, and why they chose me.  ðŸ™‚   The funny part about when I just took this photo today, Oakley walked up the rock and right into the picture.  Which for a second I thought… what a crazy dog, he is going to break my Orrefors crystal trophy vase, but then, I thought how perfect that he is in the photo!  If I could gather up all my favorite people and put them in a photo I would — as I am a people person.  I love sports, I love outdoors, I love animals, especially Oakley and that is why this picture is on the rocks.  These rocks we have been landscaping for the past almost 2 1/2 years.  The woods behind the photo is where I run, the trail network is so large I can run for hours — possibly 100’s of miles.  And I am a runner, a marathon runner, a trail runner and a mountain runner, which bottom line means I am pretty serious about running.  Western Massachusetts is one of the most beautiful places in the country and we own 42 acres of it!  I love our home, our land and all the rock, grass, lilies, and even the nasty poison ivy that goes along with it!  

As for the “things” in the front of the photo – I realize that they are just “things” and they don’t define me. But they do INSPIRE me! My reminders of my success as an athlete – a master athlete in even just the past years that I have up on shelves in the house in various spots.  I started racing in road races and triathlons in college and ran my first marathon in 1989 in Montreal.  You can check out my side bar for more information on that, but truly I love to compete and I love to succeed and I LOVE to win!

I have included my Boston marathon medals – as I have completed Boston 5 times (not all medals are here) and placed 7th master in 2007.  If you are not a marathon runner you may not know that the Boston marathon is a goal of marathoners.  Qualifying times are set for each age group and your number you are given ranks you by the time you complete your fastest marathon that time.  There were more than 22,000 runners last year.  My lowest Boston number is a 3800 in 2008.

The Orrefors crystal engraved trophy sits in my living room and gives me strength, just by being there.  In 2007 I placed 7th master woman with a 3:05:59.  It is still my PR – my personal record, fastest time I have run a marathon.  Here is the link to the story if you want to read more, but the experience was something I will never forget.

The other 1/2 marathon etched awards are here to show the consistency of my success, how when I put my mind to something I can achieve it and at a high level.  I remember the beginning of each race, looking to set a pace and keep up with the fast girls.  I remember the middle of each race feeling like I need some “extra” help and look to the sky hoping for some “Higher Power” to enlighten me with strength.  And, I remember the push to the finish thinking I need to dig as deep as I can and give it my all.  I remember the fact that in all of these races there was no award ceremony, no flowers, no money, (although I was close in Boston!) just pride and the satisfaction of knowing inside myself that I did my best and I am getting stronger and I really do have it inside of me to achieve what ever goal I set for myself.

Information on the Divas and Dreams Free Creative Workshop. 

The photo challenge: Show who you are by collecting some personal stuff that describe your personality. What objects do you have that describes you the best? Find the things that symbolize you, what you love, what you dream about, what your history are etc. There is no limit on who many or few things to show.

The written assignment: Pick 3 things that you chose to photograph and tell why you chose it or what it tells about you.

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Nancy Cook 2021

About Nancy

Nancy Peck Cook is a trainer and speaker who has presented in front of large and small audiences for the past 25 years.  Her work as an executive and volunteer trainer for the American Cancer Society during the growth of the signature activity Relay For Life trained professionals to be more confident and successful in their roles. 

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