There\’s Snow Style like My Style

You ask – what gear do you where for running in the snow? A girl who lived most of her life in Vermont (31 years!) and has lived in New Hampshire (7), Colorado (2) and Massachusetts (8) — indeed I have had a lot of time to experiment with different gear and accessories for success and happiness running through the winter and preparing for the Boston Marathon. It takes a true New England runner to love running in the snow, as it is all we have until it melts sometime in March or April in some areas. I am not sponsored by any of these companies or products. It is a real life review of what has worked for me!


Here we go…. starting at the bottom and working my way up! 

Shoes are a necessity to get right for balance, comfort and tread for not slipping on ice or snow. They also need to be water resistant so a gore text exterior is really important so your feet don\’t get wet and cold (potential frostbite issues). Your extremities are important as they freeze first. 🙂 My \”go to\” shoe in the winter is the Inov-8 brand of shoes. My favorite is the MudRoc (but the new MudClaw is the next generation)-  stubby bottoms and they work super in the snow!  I wore them in the Vermont 50 miler in 2011 — check out this video montage of the shoes in action!


Socks – 1.Features or 2.Baluga are the best socks ever for running! A little pricey but you get what you pay for and they last a lot longer than their competitors! Go Bros is an awesome website for all socks with great prices. We wear CEP compression socks for skiing and nothing else! They are just amazing to keep your lower legs energized and feet warm!  Truly this company lives up to their name \”Intelligence in sportswear\” 🙂

Tights: CWX — hands down the best for winter running, compression and giving your legs that extra edge they need in the cold. I wear them for skiing and running. Check out there website on the background of how they work. The Insulator capris is what I wear for skiing and the Expert Tight is my \”go to\” running tight. Just awesome!

Core – Winter time means shorter hours, cloudy, snowy conditions for the cars out there and you need to be SEEN! REI has a great selection of gear to make that happen! I have a vest for me and for Oakley too! I love my  Saucony ViziPro Jacket for standing out in the dark & snow! Upper body warmth is key for comfort and lasting in the elements. Layering up is key — wear multiple layers of long sleeve warm clothing — Yesterday in the 10 degree weather I had on 4 layers! Nike makes great long sleeve wear that I love!  My all time favorite is the Nano Puff from Patagonia — super light weight and keeps you warm without that extra bulk! Lots of different brands have great stuff in this category — I just say layer it up!  My latest favorite layer is my new Ruby Jupe skirt! Fun to wear around because it is so stylish, but seriously it is warm and keeps my upper legs & butt warm too!


Hands &Face: Last but not least is the fact that you need to keep your face & hands warm! I have my favorite skiing headbands, and a few running headbands too. When it is super cold it is best to wear a hat! Road Runner Sports is my online running store to find the latest and fun colors to wear! Best to wear something light weight and that fits you well, but won\’t make you sweat –because when you are working hard out there you will sweat! Get some light weight fleece gloves or running gloves are always a good choice too! When your hands are warm you stay comfortable. During your run be prepared to take them off — so a lightweight pair fits in your pockets. I take mine off and on multiple times during my runs. I also wear a neck gaiter in the crazy windy, snowy weather to keep warm and protect my chin! 🙂 I have a new Inov-8 Buff from Amy Rusieski (Ultra Goddess – WMDP team leader) that is my new favorite!

So — no excuses! Get out there and enjoy the elements. I love looking at the Christmas decorations and getting those \”hard core\” and \”you\’re crazy\”! comments from my neighbors. It makes me smile and April 21 doesn\’t care about what the weather is in your training environment. Keep on running!

What\’s your favorite gear to battle the elements keeping fit?

Let\’s stay fit through the winter months! Oh ya!


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Nancy Cook 2021

About Nancy

Nancy Peck Cook is a trainer and speaker who has presented in front of large and small audiences for the past 25 years.  Her work as an executive and volunteer trainer for the American Cancer Society during the growth of the signature activity Relay For Life trained professionals to be more confident and successful in their roles. 

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