Wow! Say it with me…. “WOW” Now think back to a time when you were absolutely “Wow-d”! Do you remember how that made you feel? Was it a concert? A speech that touched your heart? Someone or something that may have taken your breath away? Translate that feeling into your Toastmaster’s experience. Being Wow’d by others and Wowing people yourself!
When you value the Toastmaster experience – it becomes something you want to share with others. The well organized meetings encompassing the functionaries, prepared speeches, evaluations and leadership opportunities make it a club worthy of anyone in my opinion.
When I was VP of PR I was charged with creating a public relations strategy. In this post I am here to share with you how every Toastmaster member is an integral part of growing this club we know and love. I will share with you 3 goals, the target audience, objectives and tactics.

- Increase Community Awareness
- Increase Media Outreach
- Provide meaningful recognition
- Greater Northampton Community
- Members
- Guests
- Invite guests to come to TM meetings and Open House events
- Recognize TM as a professional development and leadership opportunity
- Be proud and share the value of our Toastmaster members
- Toastmaster Club Wow! Factor Video – “plus 1” share on social media and more!
- Members “plus 1” share the TM opportunity at locations in the community where they work and where they “play”.
- Media Recognition of members
- Set “plus 1” goals for audience numbers at Open House events
Widespread Awareness + Outrageous Outreach + Wonderful Recognition = Equals the Wow! Factor!
In my humble opinion EVERYONE can benefit from Toastmasters! Can you think of anyone that could not benefit from the Toastmaster experience? If you are interested in learning more about Toastmasters and how you can become a member or be a guest at our meeting or learn more about a club near you – please send me a message! Or you can check out the Toastmasters International website. I am also happy to work with you 1:1 if there is a need for you to get some coaching for your public speaking.
Please leave a comment below – I would love to hear from you if you have experience in Toastmasters or in public speaking in general. This is Day 3 in my 30 day blog challenge! Follow along for more fun and interesting content! Thanks for stopping by!