Stride before you Glide

Have you experienced a time when you want to try something out of your comfort zone? You need to learn strategies in order to be safe, not hurt yourself and better yet --- enjoy the sport and perfect those skills?!
Wachusett Level 1 SkateIA skaters

3 Lessons Learned coaching inline skating

 Taking my level one skateIA certification exam in a virtual setting in 2020 gave me the opportunity to work with my friends as students – Charli and Asmayra.  It was fun taking them out to the high school parking lot and teaching the basics of inline skating.  The more we would practice the more confident they became with their skills in this new sport! Here are 3 lessons that I learned as an instructor that I would like to share with you!

Lesson 1: Positive Coaching is key

A positive experience is truly the goal in teaching inline skating. Like the saying goes, Walk before you run.  Stride before you glide is what I like to say in teaching inline skating in order to have a positive experience! It’s important to teach the skill outside the environment where you are stable and secure.  Practice on grass with no skates. Then add the skates but stay on the grass. Take some baby steps, and walk on the grass with your skates on and practice falling.  All of this will help your confidence when we get out on the pavement and roll! 

Lesson 2: Know what to do and what not to do

Oh no – Go Low!  Knowing what to do and what not to do will keep you safe!  As we practice how to fall and how not to fall – we need to iterate how going low centers your body over your skates and you find that you can save that fall from happening.  If you do fall think superman / supergirl and use your padding to land and absorb.  Falling can be positive, because it shows that you are working to grow outside your comfort zone and sometimes lose your balance.  Oh no! Go Low! Brings you back to center and can save your fall.  Helmets are required of the students and instructor for safety. The use of pads and how to wear them is always taught and encouraged.  Using knee, elbow and wrist pads is important in creating a safe environment. Knowing how to fall went a long way to increase confidence for Charli and Asmayra. 

Knowing how to fall and reinforce wearing safety protection creates a safe and positive environment for learning.

Lesson 3: The Love Sandwich

The Love Sandwich  Teaching the basics of skating provides a solid foundation of the skills necessary to safely go and safely stop.  Providing feedback to your student,  should always be encouraging and be specific to what changes may be needed to grow their knowledge and skills to become a better skater.  Note what the student is doing well – offer suggestions for improvement or change and then follow up with a challenge that enhances the positive growth in skills. 

Remember Be Safe, Select a skate that will work for you! I love my Urban Twister W Rollerblades for skate to ski training! Wear protective equipment. Practice, Practice and Play!  Repetition of the correct movements gives you the best and most enjoyable experience.


Embrace Feedback and Stride before you Glide!

If you are interested in learning more about inline skating, inline skate recommendations, the Skate to Ski app and programs or one on one private lessons for inline skating, send me a message – I would love to be your coach!  

Thanks for stopping by! 

Asmayra learning how to inline skate
Charli Inline Skating sitting on the bench

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Nancy Cook 2021

About Nancy

Nancy Peck Cook is a trainer and speaker who has presented in front of large and small audiences for the past 25 years.  Her work as an executive and volunteer trainer for the American Cancer Society during the growth of the signature activity Relay For Life trained professionals to be more confident and successful in their roles. 

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