
Here is a photo taken of Samantha and Lucas when we were out in the foliage taking the family photos. Lucas’ tshirt is a classic and the smiles on their faces show happiness, so this photo really says a lot. 🙂

Remembering that day when the family assembled with Josh, our “adopted” son, one of Stephen’s best friends who lives with us about 1/3 of the time in Stephen’s room. Josh has been so great with our family, helping out when needed with Oakley and Schuyler and really has fit into our family so well. Lucas is the other one to mention and thank for that day. I set up the tripod, framed the 2 areas for the photos and we all meandered our way in place as Lucas kept his hand on the button taking about 50 photos that day! I made a little video of the photo shoot as it was really fun to watch us all get into place and Schuyler squirm away. It was such a beautiful fall day!

So here is the tshirt sighting – a great self portrait of Sam & Lucas and my fave of the family photos as it includes Oakley!

Proof of happiness.
God wants us all to be happy.
You just need to find it within yourself and within those around you.

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Nancy Cook 2021

About Nancy

Nancy Peck Cook is a trainer and speaker who has presented in front of large and small audiences for the past 25 years.  Her work as an executive and volunteer trainer for the American Cancer Society during the growth of the signature activity Relay For Life trained professionals to be more confident and successful in their roles. 

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