Step 1 – Mark it on your calendar it is Post it Tuesday! What a great concept by “Supah” – author of the FAMOUS Adventures of a Wanna Be Supah Mommy. She has it all outlined here on her blog and then every Tuesday she collects the links to what others are “posting” on their blogs. It is a great way to visit other blogs of interest and check out the virtual neighborhood!

Step 2 – Think of your own post its – inspirational, facts, thoughts – whatever is top of mind right now, today and something worth sharing (or not). 🙂
Step 3 – Make your own post it here —
Step 4 – Post it to your blog
Step 5 – Share your link with Supah – or me in my comment section.
Leave me a note if you stopped by — I love to hear your comments!
Here are mine for this week Tuesday:
A WOW idea!
My idea is to somehow incorporate “Post it Tuesday” in our trainings, whether face to face or virtuall. I have to figure the virtual method besides blogging — but in a training how about supplying the group tables with Post it Notes – explain to the audience the concept and have them write one – three notes sharing what is top of mind, a funny, a quote, a “conversation” — just like we do here. Set up a Parking Lot Flip chart place where people can put their notes and leave it up all day. Then people can go there to see what others have to say. Angie had some other thoughts, but I thought it would be a great concept to use in our meetings / trainings! 🙂