What a day to spend a little time at the O’Brien Farm! They have new golden retriever puppies and I hoped to get some good shots of them before they grow up!
There are 12 puppies at the O’Brien Family and mom was asked to go outside (which she wasn’t happy about) with Buddy – who is finally getting his cast off (poor golden retriever!) next week. It was fun to have the puppies all to myself and move them around, as all they wanted to do was snuggle with eachother and sleep. Only once did I get an open eye and it was tough to pile them on eachother, although it gave them a bit of “exercise”. 🙂
I wandered out to the rest of the farmyard in the back and got to spend time with the rest of the “family” of horses, chickens, sheep, mini horses & the rooster… who really didn’t like me nosing around his territory. He deserves his own post, so I will get to him in a minute. These pups are truly adorable! And the signs on the pens in the barn for these truly loved family animals is just so sweet to share!