Another tribute to this crazy dog- – he whines a little, climbs up with just his paws (knowing he is not allowed on the bed) – – reaches out and sometimes will scratch, but he thinks he can pull you out of bed. My early morning motivation to exercise…. seems like I have been ignoring him lately, but I do have a HUGE guilty complex, knowing I have been slacking on my training this winter with the travel to Mt. Snow and other excuses. I need to start running again (and Oakley agrees). We ski and snow shoe (not every morning, but we try), but need to get on the roads. The days are getting longer, and well the great snow we had earlier this year has dwindled a bit. We pray for snow each night – – need to have some more soon to feel that soft surface and not the granular of late.
I love this one of Oakley – waiting to get in the woods in the back yard and ski!