No Mt Hood for us :(

So they say it is rapid growing….  this Diffuse Large B cell lymphoma….   From all the research the earlier you treat it the better your “chances” of being cured — that is to have it GONE and stay GONE!  So no Mt Hood vacation skiing on the glacier, watching Schuyler ski, skiing with Steve, chasing gates (getting slanmmed with slalom gates – OUCH) — and enjoying the beauty of Oregon in the wine country…  Oh well… I need to get on this right away.  Steve is so happy I came to my senses as was the doctor, but GOOGLE gave me quite a scare and we needed to make the decision to stay home and this would give Reed a chance to still get on another flight and all the kids informed before we go out there and I dwell on the fact that we didn’t start treatment.

Dave Gregory has been absolutely amazing, supportive and understanding. We have 5-6 kids total that were going to the camp and we really really wanted to be there.  Here is a pic of the Fuxi truck at the ski area at Mt Hood.  🙁  They have got a lot of snow up there recently and in addition to the normal lanes of skiing gates there is plenty of free skiing to be had!  🙁

Link to the Peak Performance Ski Camp.  

Oh well maybe next year….  or maybe Thanksgiving….   we shall see…..  We called the ticket agency that we got the cheap tickets ($500 plus x 4) – and hoped they would consider the situation.  After a little over an hour this really great woman I talked to (Katrina) who’s dad also had recently gone through cancer treatment was so empathetic she worked a discounted cancellation fee and left a note as it is up to the airlines on the $150 rebooking fee for the future.  We have until May 2011 to use the tickets.  All pretty good news and much better of course than losing the money (which we would have if we didn’t call and cancel).  Again – another great person that has helped and been understanding we are thankful for…

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Nancy Cook 2021

About Nancy

Nancy Peck Cook is a trainer and speaker who has presented in front of large and small audiences for the past 25 years.  Her work as an executive and volunteer trainer for the American Cancer Society during the growth of the signature activity Relay For Life trained professionals to be more confident and successful in their roles. 

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