“NNN” – no notes needed was the comment by John (the stock watcher) coining the “technique” taught by Steve all week. The cummulation of all his study of movements in skiing, the video studies, the travel, listening to the top skiers try to explain and teach how they made “it” happen. Looking at Terry & Michael, Steve worked the physics of skiing in prime “examiner mode” and summarizes it in position, where the core of your body is over the midpoint in your boot (center), the back and shin angles match and then you twist the thighs, tipping the knees to load the ski, let it bend and turn. There is much more to it I am sure and I am not sure I got it all right, but that is what I heard being emphasized all week.
So it was Nancy “Joe Photo” and “Video Girl”, I have pictures of all the instructors, a little before and after… pretty cool to get so many skiers to change and visually show them. Most were “over the hood” from being taught to GET FORWARD… Not only because of their experience, but from their many years of instruction by others and instructing others to how they “think” it should be done. Steve’s interpretation of all skiing concepts, just a little different and clear so that they can internalize and actually feel the ski underneath them to make the turn, look balanced and really hold the edge of the ski in the snow. Quite the bonus in skiing – all wrapped up in this “interpretation” of higher end skiing. I truly improved in my skiing from being with Steve all winter, but this past week really helped my understanding of the concepts he had discovered and the energy that the skis have is just such a feeling when you get it right!
The thank you card was really nice with lots of great testimonials of Steve’s coaching, which I truly admire, and not just because i am so in love with him, but because he is incredibly talented as a coach with an engineers mind to meet those analytical types objections…. Truly a gift.