Nike Women’s Marathon – Results & Photos

All in all I was happy with my time and rank for such a large marathon.. It was an early morning and a nice cool run (although so VERY long) through some early steep hills and smaller hills at the end. I was in the lead early – a little crazy (Probably started too fast – oh well) and then slowed at the end. My stomach felt funny – not sure if I fueled correctly – ended up in the port a john at about 21. So maybe not my best run capable – but a good one.

Lessons learned –
Don’t start out too fast – think about pace early
Fuel is so important – drink & GU (I didn’t have drink at all)
Mentally don’t get wrapped up in stuff you can’t change.
Have fun – always have fun! If you don’t it isn’t worth it.

Here’s to Boston – my next big endeavor! 🙂

Results from online:

Nancy Cook
Race: Full Marathon (1008)
Hometown: Belchertown,
Full Results: Overall, Female Elite

Full Course
Time: 3:22:24.100
Pace (Min/Mi): 7:43
Overall Rank: 33
Female Elite Rank: 9
[show split times]
Time: 0:20:48.790
Pace (Min/Mi): 6:41
Overall Rank: 5
Female Elite Rank: 1
Time: 0:22:27.600
Pace (Min/Mi): 7:13
Overall Rank: 14
Female Elite Rank: 3
Time: 0:24:28.250
Pace (Min/Mi): 7:52
Overall Rank: 37
Female Elite Rank: 8
13.1 Mile
Time: 0:26:44.670
Pace (Min/Mi): 7:04
Overall Rank: 36
Female Elite Rank: 9
Time: 0:20:14.500
Pace (Min/Mi): 8:18
Overall Rank: 33
Female Elite Rank: 7
Time: 0:24:16.000
Pace (Min/Mi): 7:48
Overall Rank: 61
Female Elite Rank: 10
Time: 0:25:37.540
Pace (Min/Mi): 8:14
Overall Rank: 85
Female Elite Rank: 13
Time: 0:26:17.940
Pace (Min/Mi): 8:27
Overall Rank: 85
Female Elite Rank: 15
26.2 Mile
Time: 0:11:28.810
Pace (Min/Mi): 8:31
Overall Rank: 209
Female Elite Rank: 17
Unofficial results. Last updated 2008-10-20 09:07:26.

My letter after frustrated with the online system:

Hi Jodi –
Searching through the results this morning from yesterday’s marathon and a bit disappointed with the timing system and what is reported online.

I was the ninth woman across the finish line for the full marathon with a time of 3:22:24. My number is not searchable in the results and the information I receive when I search by my name comes up as ranked 33? and 9th elite with the correct time. Why does my name not show in the overall results and why is my overall rank 33? My husband took photos of the females crossing the line before me and the announcer said congrats to another top ten finisher right before I crossed the line. When I searched at the tent when I completed the race they had me as 6th elite with the same time, and with my husband’s photos and my recollection of women passing me after the 1/2 marathon split, I should have placed 9th.

Is it possible that since the 1/2 marathon clock was different that later on one of those participants was posted with full marathon time instead of their half marathon time, therefore squewing the results? By the way the first participant (Arien O’Connel) listed as F at a 2:55 is incorrect as the first female was definitely after 3 hours. Do you have any estimation when all of this will be “cleaned up”?

I know that there were mistakes in the bibs given out to half marathon participants and really think there are some issues with these results. I am very disappointed in this marathon as a whole especially after making a special trip from Massachusetts to participate, and this really makes it more disappointing than ever, since I lead for the first five miles and this result board has me so far down in the rankings and no where on the overall list and it took me 10 minutes to pull up the results using my name.

Please let me know who else I need to talk to in resolving this situation.

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Nancy Cook 2021

About Nancy

Nancy Peck Cook is a trainer and speaker who has presented in front of large and small audiences for the past 25 years.  Her work as an executive and volunteer trainer for the American Cancer Society during the growth of the signature activity Relay For Life trained professionals to be more confident and successful in their roles. 

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