March/April 2007 New England Runner Magazine report on top qualifiers for Boston Looking at the master’s women I counted and I am 7th of all the masters listed!
Looking forward to Boston! Tina, Nick & Lily are staying at the Doubletree with Jess, Schuyler & I on Sunday night. Tina and I will go to the Expo on Sunday to get all the race “stuff” & do a little shopping… : )
Then to a pre-race dinner – to sleep early…..
Monday morning the bus to Boston for my race Wave #1 – leaves at 6 AM for Hopkinton to be on time and ready for the start (lesson #1 learned in Atlanta) – – My wave start is at 10 AM so I hope to look closer at the information and Tina is going to meet various places along the route and get me through Heartbreak Hill.
Starting to prepare – plan my food, my drink, my recovery, my mental strength… tapering my runs – ran my last long one (12) this weekend and working on stretching and muscle relaxation for the next 2 weeks. Planning on ample rest days for build up and nutrition / hydration shall begin now. This is my goal, the ultimate if I can pull off my goals for Boston – any one of them, but I need to dig deeper than ever.