Today is Learn to Row Day 2022 presented to you by US Rowing and Concept2 !
Why Learn to Row?
Whether you are on the water rowing or rowing on a rowing machine (Concept2 RowERG is the rower that is the rower that is used in all competitions and they are located in Morrisville, Vermont!) — learning to row can be one of the best things you can do for your health. Less impact on your joints and using 86% of the muscles in your body are 2 benefits. Weight loss is the goal of many who learn to row in their master years, and what ever your reason to get fit – rowing is a great choice!
Below is a highlight recently put together for my second Border Rowers Challenge. The reason I row is because it is an amazing cross training tool for running, but more importantly according to Concept2, with proper technique the rowing machine provides a full body workout. My beloved rowing machine is in my basement and is very convenient for getting in a quick tough workout any time of the day! It’s a low maintenance piece of equipment that does the body good! Read below for more about my journey and my recent accomplishments in the sport.
Nancy Peck Cook
Lifetime Rowing Meters – 8,749,747
Biggest Rowing achievement
Nancy is the 2022 World Indoor Rowing Silver Medalist W55-59
2020 in her first CRASH B Sprints she placed 2nd in her age group. She went back with the goal to win which she did – 1st in 2021 and 1st in 2022.
It was in 2020 was when she dedicated herself to indoor rowing to get stronger and faster. In 2022 Nancy qualified #1 in the Americas with a 7:24.3 2k at age 57. All but one of her competitions have been virtual, in her basement alone with her computer (so her coaches can join on zoom of course!)…. There was an incredible thrill about the World Championship race when she lead the way and finished 2nd behind the British champ, coached by Live2Row coaches Justin Knust and Stephen Pryor. It was so fun to go back and watch the recorded livestream and hear her name mentioned so many times in the short time frame of a 2K race!
Motivational Quote: “Believe it and you can achieve it!” – Nancy Peck Cook
This quote is from her best selling children’s book “Skiing is Believing” – it holds true for everything, every sport, every goal you set. She believes that you just need the confidence and drive to make it happen! Nancy is a 11 year Diffuse large B cell lymphoma cancer survivor. Faith, confidence and determination are the things that keep her going!
Rowing Bio
Nancy is a professional alpine ski teacher and a competitive mountain runner and ultra distance runner. She bought her first Concept2 in November 2016 to cross train and alleviate impact on her knees because of a past ACL reconstruction and fluid build up – The first 2 seasons she really didn’t get into it (total meters for 2 years was only 30,000 meters). In her first CRASH Bs just prior to the Covid pandemic “lockdown” and was completely motivated to increase my strength on the Erg – completing a 372 day rowing streak and a total of 4 million meters in 2020/21 and 3.1M in 2021/22. The majority of meters has been these 2 years as a Live2Row Studios member where she joins on Zoom with people from all over the world with coaches in studio based in Ocoee, Florida. Nancy started because of what the C2 rower can do as a cross training tool for her running – but stays in the sport because of the community she has met.
Below is a screen capture of the 2022 World Championship 2000 meter race for the 55-59 Women HWT age group where Nancy won her silver medal!

Have you thought about indoor rowing to cross train for your particular sport? It’s always great to switch it up and build cardio, endurance and strength through different sports. You never know, you may catch the “rowing bug” like I did! If you want to chat about rowing or want to talk to me about speaking to your club or group about my journey in rowing in my basement to become a world champion — please send me a message and comment below! Thanks for stopping by!