My running adventures – nationwide!

My dear friend Judy – we run everywhere we go — how many cities do we visit a year? What are those experiences that we remember and deserve to be journalled – read on….

Rating (1 – poor to 10 great)

Dallas (1)- I almost tripped on a homeless man and at the Hilton they told us the only safe place to run was the parking lot. So off Judy, Beth & I went running in the dark in the city!

Salt Lake City – As we ran through this pristene city we ran in the residential area and came on this fence where these pit bulls started running up to us and barking wildly from the yard. Beth screemed and I jumped about 2 feet in the air! Pittsburgh – along the water we loved running in Pittsburg. Beth & Judy followed me in the city (not sure why) as I ran out in the street to cross and the bus was moving forward – – they will never let me lead or at least not follow me that blindly again!

Dallas (8)- There was this ice storm on the streets of Dallas by the Marriott Quorum. It was like running on glass and was incredibly slippery. I barely made 3 miles…. When we run in that area we travel through Emmit Smith’s neighborhood through the park and the trees… beautiful area.

Washington DC (10)- Nothing like a tour of the monuments on some really great pathways in DC!

Chicago (10)- We run along Lake Michigan with at least 25 others in the morning. Around the corner by the beach in all weather there is water splashing and totally has soaked our sneakers. My favorite memory is running with Dr. Bob, Beth & Judy on Navy Pier when we would be laughing about everything and then he asked someone to take our picture in the middle of the run.

Boston (9)- Park maze, Charles – crossing the railroad tracks, climbing through the bushes and up the hill with Judy – “adventure woman!”

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Nancy Cook 2021

About Nancy

Nancy Peck Cook is a trainer and speaker who has presented in front of large and small audiences for the past 25 years.  Her work as an executive and volunteer trainer for the American Cancer Society during the growth of the signature activity Relay For Life trained professionals to be more confident and successful in their roles. 

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