My List

Last year I got together with my mom friends and we had a ladies night, drinking wine, sharing memories of our lives, looking at our values and those things we might want to accomplish in our lifetime. Sharon hosted the party and it was an amazing night of self actualization. We all wrote our life goals of things, places, family goals, possessions, charities, sports, travel, etc.

Here is the introduction from
Have you ever promised yourself you would learn to play an instrument, test drive a Ferrari, or simply tidy the garage? Well don’t put them off any longer. With My50 you can make a list of things to do before you die – your life ambitions, goals and targets. In addition to your list of things to do, you can list your lifetime achievements and build up a history of your life successes and accomplishments.
Scuba-dive – Great Barrier Reef
Visit Paris
Climb a mountain – Mt. Everest
Christmas in New York
Go to a sporting event (Horse racing)
Do a parachute jump
Learn something new
Serenade someone
Be happy
Try ice climbing
See the Niagara Falls
Swim with dolphins
Go on a detoxing weekend
Learn a new language – or perfect an old one (French)

Go naked – this one I chose from the site (pretty great description and I couldn’t help myself): Let’s clear one thing up from the start, there’s nothing wrong with being naked! You won’t see other animals parading around in jeans and a T-shirt, and we’re only animals too, right? OK, we admit, arriving at work naked as the day you were born may be frowned upon, as would displaying your own buns in your local supermarket. We’re not suggesting anything as daring as this however. Try stripping off somewhere a little more excluded like a quiet field or beach and for a short time feel totally liberated as you run and swing in the fresh air as nature intended. Go naked, and get back in touch with nature.

MORE from my List made last November:

Qualify for Worlds (US Triathlon Championships)
Qualify for Alcatraz
Qualify for 70.3 National Championships
Qualify for Olympic Trials (marathons)
Rank Top Ten New England Master (running)
Rank Top Ten National Master (triathlon – 70.3)
Enduro Race – (one per year)
Race in Hawaii Ironman – before I am 50 (maybe before I am 45))
Compete in Master Water Skiing

Ski Education:
PSIA level 3
Direct Ski School program
US Ski Demo Team

Places I NEED to ski:
NH: Waterville, Cannon,
VT: Mt. Snow
ME: Sunday River, Sugarloaf
Italian Alps
BC / Whistler
California: Heavenly, Mammoth, Tahoe, Squaw
CO: Aspen, Telluride

Posessions: Own a mountain home in CO

Photography: Set up my website, get liscensed (DONE), Build portfolio, Get published in major magazines

Music: Piano lessons (pick up from my 8 yrs as a kid), Guitar, Perform on stage again vocals, Become a children’s music performer

Education (general): Massage, Master’s degree, Ballroom Dancing

I feel pretty great about my list! It feels good to think about all the great things that are left to do in life. Gives motivation to live life to the fullest and feeling good about who you are and what your goals are in life.

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Nancy Cook 2021

About Nancy

Nancy Peck Cook is a trainer and speaker who has presented in front of large and small audiences for the past 25 years.  Her work as an executive and volunteer trainer for the American Cancer Society during the growth of the signature activity Relay For Life trained professionals to be more confident and successful in their roles. 

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