Kyla, Naomi Jane & Shawn in front of Stats in Atlanta on my visit last week.
I love this group of women… I feel so blessed when I connect with friends from all over the country and it “clicks”.
I met her probably 7 years ago when she worked for Mid South division as the Relay Director. She was the luminaria chair of the first Celebration on the Hill. Always friendly and nice, and a friend of Shawn’s, so when she left the Society and wanted to come back Shawn would connect us all together to search for suitable positions so we could get her back in the Society…. then she was finally hired by Jim and works on my team now as the Manager of the NTP for Strides and other projects. We talk daily it seems and really lend eachother’s ear to one another when needed. Mostly work related, but also personal, we have become really good friends. She lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee and drives to Atlanta in 1 1/2 hours. She has 2 teenage kids that she loves so much…. A very stylish person with a beautiful smile!
She has worked for the Society for 30 years – starting in the Florida Division and then to National. I met Jane back when the NTP started and she was working with Quest Diagnostics. She always had such good insight to corporations and from the income side of the house – – how to incorporate all that “we” do into the relationships. We have worked together very closely now since then (almost 8 years now) and go to the RFL Summit together every year. I have served on many workgroups with and for Jane – – and our friendship has also evolved throughout the years. She is a really sweet and smart person that I have come to know and really enjoy her company at these events. She lives in Atlanta, Georgia, is the president of her garden club and has finally found the man of her dreams! : ) (we have that in common too)
Naomi rocks… she is a real “can do” person. In life and in her job, which she is the analyst of data for our corporate group and does an amazing job. I am always impressed with her response time and commitment to get it all done for everybody. Her dry sense of humor and straight shooter personality really adds life to data – which not many have that skill. I love working with her and I really have had a great time getting to know her and her son and husband through various newsletters they send to update on the happenings of the family. She lives on a 200 acre lake outside of Atlanta and is boating this weekend. She stays in shape with exercise …. and our common bond at meetings is our love for good coffee (gourmet) black and hot coffee! We laugh about it every meeting. I have known Naomi for about 3 years now and each year we get closer and closer as friends too. She made this interactive power point to analyze my birthday. Very cute indeed – and a true friend to remember my birthday in a special way.
I have some other posts about Shawn, as we have been very close through some very hard times. For me and for her. She has been there for me as a really close friend, although she lives in Paducah, Kentucky, it seems as though she was right next door when I needed her the most. She is currently going through a tough time in her life since her daughter Hilary was in this horrible car accident. You have to check Hillary’s blog to see the latest, but it seems like there is always something happening and the prayers are needed daily. I have a link right on my blog to the Hilablog and read it at least once a week. Shawn will always be my dear friend. I miss her daily chats, but know she has so much going on… and that we will always have a connection.
My friends mean so much to me – – and I have so many great ones spread all over this country… Atlanta, Chattanooga, Paducah & more!