Mt Wachusett Mountain Race – #2 in USAT NE series

Mt Wachusett Mountain Race – #2 in USAT NE series


85th overall    11th woman    3rd in age 
Time: 41:39 Nancy Cook    F 40-49   Belchertown, MA 
Club: White Mtn Milers             144pts for the series

3rd in age! Despite this stomach bug, I felt great on the trail and on the road. Almost in the top rank. Less than 1 min behind both girls in my age. Happy with my results! 
The time isn’t reflective completely because I forgot to turn off my Garmin. 🙂 Oh well. I ran the race in 41:35 — Not bad for 5 miles in the mountains / trails!

I posted a bunch of photos on facebook and really have been thinking how I am not a great downhiller — I worry about my knee, my ankle and just crashing hard.  I realize I need to read up on it and train for it.  There have been some really fast girls at these races, women in my age group are running so fast and it is really something to aspire to…   being very proud of my race at Northfield has got me psyched about mountain and trail racing once again.  It is really good with the trails in the backyard that I have my own training ground on a daily basis.  I love this one photo Steve took of me this weekend.  He captures me looking so good – and smiling right at him!  What an amazing support, coach, friend, husband extraordinaire!

This week I ordered some racing flats – the Inov-8 f-lite 230 – from Zappos online shoe store.  Free shipping and the best selection around!  The fast girls are sponsored and racing in these very cool blue shoe — can’t wait for mine to arrive.  At Wachusett I wore my mountain running shoes and it really made a difference.  I won the shoes at one of these races 2 years ago when I did the whole series.

Next weekend is Pack Monadnock.  A good one for me because of the 10 mile distance.  The last mile is so uphill you have to walk – it is faster than running…..  The view is amazing from the top.  Looking forward to it!

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Nancy Cook 2021

About Nancy

Nancy Peck Cook is a trainer and speaker who has presented in front of large and small audiences for the past 25 years.  Her work as an executive and volunteer trainer for the American Cancer Society during the growth of the signature activity Relay For Life trained professionals to be more confident and successful in their roles. 

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