“Insalata Caprese”

Insalata Caprese is my favorite salad of all time. A taste I have refined through the years going to Italian restaurants around the country with my ACS collegues Sue Ann & Judy. Most recently, last Tuesday night, we went to this great Italian restaurant in NYC. Pellegrino’s was very nice – the decor inviting and calming, the service impeccable and the food – very good. We had a nice bottle of wine (I will have to ask Judy before I post it here) shared with the friends / collegues around the table. I did not however order my fave Caprese, just because I have it mastered at home and it is hard to beat! Interesting that the Wikipedia definition notes that the colors replicate the Italian Flag. Very good, and very good for you too!

Nancy”s Caprese

Fresh Tomatoes to feed the crowd
Red Onion – diced
Fresh Motzarella – from the “olive bar” at the grocery store is better than in a package
Fresh chopped basil – we buy the plants and it works great! Even in winter.
Fresh ground pepper
Fresh garlic through a garlic press
Sprinkle salt
Extra Virgin Olive olive drizzled over the top
Aged Balsamic Vinegar drizzled over the top

Serve with fresh baked french bread and use enough oil, garlic and spices for dipping.

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Nancy Cook 2021

About Nancy

Nancy Peck Cook is a trainer and speaker who has presented in front of large and small audiences for the past 25 years.  Her work as an executive and volunteer trainer for the American Cancer Society during the growth of the signature activity Relay For Life trained professionals to be more confident and successful in their roles. 

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