ING Georgia Half Marathon pre race adventure

Should I start with the results or should I start with the excuses ??? : )
Looking forward to performing in Boston – following a pretty strict training regime and really needing/ pushing to get in the miles for Boston… knowing that this would be my checkpoint in timing to know if my goals for Boston are realistic, I have been apprehensive waiting for this weekend.

Julie and I went to the expo that day and waited in line to get our numbers… To find out my number was a ranked “preferred” number was incredible. It had been a tough week and I was extremely happy about this number and being a part of this race!

VERY happy with my results – –

Those that my know my personal life would know that this is an incredibly challenging time for me mentally. The support structure and mind games are wearing on ones soul. Although the thought of freedom from the strife and hope for a life to come is totally my goal and light at the end of the tunnel. I have never been so happy and so distraught at the same time. I hope to balance all that I have in front of me and do my best…. as much as it kills me, crying daily and dealing with the mentality around me…

Without getting into detail, I move on… fly to ATL and have a couple of advantageuos meetings with Linelle, Julie and Anthony takes care of my laptop. Truly a trip to NHO worth every minute. From there – I stay with Julie – we go to this great WING bar to meet Alpa and friends for Trivia and food. It is a great distraction for me with life and to get ready for this marathon weekend in ATL.

I stayed with Julie for the first night and she made me a little pencil map with street names for my run on Sat morning… I head out – flying – feeling strong – which doesn’t surprise me, I love to run and my fitness level is at such a high. I ran and ran, got a little lost but found Piedmont and then Piedmont Park. It was beautiful (high pollen season) but lots of flowers and colors. I ran around the park knowing it would be good to get in a long run. I ran and looked for Peachtree, getting a little sidetracked but staying on course. I finally saw the hotels that I normally stay at with meetings (Embassy Suites, Intercontinental and then the JW Marriott)… But even though I was at more than 1:30 I ran past the sign for Julie’s street and off to Cheshire Bridge (TOTALLY lost!). I ran past the homeless and the little on the side of the street – – finally to see a little life where I felt “comfortable” to ask for directions. This indian couple tried their best to help then referred me to their collegue who gave me a “shortcut” and off to Piedmont I went…. I took the right, left, right and then left on Piedmont running along – hoping to see Sydney Marquis. I think the craziest thing about this experience was that I wasn’t alone – I had guidance, and faith that I would be ok. I asked this man for directions, followed them… and then running up Piedmont – I finally found Julie!

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Nancy Cook 2021

About Nancy

Nancy Peck Cook is a trainer and speaker who has presented in front of large and small audiences for the past 25 years.  Her work as an executive and volunteer trainer for the American Cancer Society during the growth of the signature activity Relay For Life trained professionals to be more confident and successful in their roles. 

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