My blog for this race may be short — having my mind on prepping for the Marine Corps Marthon and actually hoping to set a PR here was pretty intense. My nerves were going crazy…. couldn’t seem to find the start line with more than 7000 runners and 3 races going on consequtively just made for a whirl wind of people not knowing where to send me, but I will call it my warm up. I met this really great woman and we chatted while waiting for the start and I had time to stretch in the front coral before heading out on the course.
I remember doing the full marathon and really thought this one was a flat one, but I am sharing the elevation map to show you — it really was NOT flat. Oh well – no Personal Record (PR), but I was pretty happy with my result considering there were only a few mile markers and nothing to keep me in the pace I wanted. Only when I was 1 mile from the finish did I realize that I would not make the 1:28 goal I had set — The hill at 10 was pretty steep, and watching the woman pass me during the last miles of the course was not fun at all — my stomach cramped up and I just didn’t have the push at the end.
It was a beautiful course, I love the race technical shirt, and the expo out on the park with all the vendors was a real fair like atmosphere. Whole Foods sponsored the food tent and there was free beer too! (Although I did not partake).
SEE below my results —- NEXT is the Marine Corps Marathon – 2 weeks and counting!
Results from the Hartford 1/2 Marathon
Hartford, Connecticut
October 10, 20092nd of 205 in age Female 45-49
93rd overall
Gun time = 1:31:23*
Official = 1:31:20 6:58 per mile
3055 Nancy Peck-Cook – Belchertown MA