It seems I have been taking my photo a lot lately — so I have a bunch to share on the blog today.
Here is our wedding photo —- a day I celebrate every day in my heart.
October 20, 2007
LOVE this photo of me with my true love. Truly – Madly – Deeply
For our first and second wedding anniversary dinners we dressed up in our wedding clothes. This photo is from October 20, 2009. Love the dress and the little white fur. 🙂 Still looking as great together as we always have!
At the Marine Corps Marathon in DC in November 2009
Then today —- the day he shaved my head.
The day I turned blonde.
For in the photo Friday & Flashback Friday too!
Hope you like me blonde! I like me brunette — but blonde is fun!
For more Flashbacks and IN the photo Fridays link below!