Fuel for the Body! Roasted Caprese

This is a first of a series of posts celebrating whole food – fresh food and creative ways to prepare it as fuel for your body.  

You want to eat \”clean\” you say?  What is there to eat that tastes good, something to crave and makes your body jump for joy!  OK – maybe not jump, but this is my struggle and maybe it is yours too.  We live in the heart of organic farm country, farms offering farm shares where you pick up or farm your own plot.  So many farm stands with fresh veggies all along the road – some official, some just the farm with a few tables out front with a tin can to put your money.  The season is short but plentiful with healthy whole food!

Today is a spin on my absolute favorite salad — Caprese!  I love this salad in so many different ways, that I may share later, but for now I happen to have some tomatoes that had been sitting around and I had a feeling wouldn\’t get eaten if I didn\’t do something fast!

Ingredients: Fresh Tomatoes (6), Fresh Garlic (2 TBSP), Fresh Basil (15 leaves), Coconut oil spray, Oregano (I love to use Penzey\’s Turkish Oregano

Bake in glass pyrex dish at 250 degrees F for 90 minutes, turning the tomatoes over in the dish to mix with the garlic and basil every 15 minutes.

Serve over a slice of fresh mozzarella and drizzle with Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Aged Balsamic and sprinkle fresh ground pepper and himalayan sea salt on top!



What is your favorite salad?  

Please leave a comment and say hi!

 Thanks for stopping by! 





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Nancy Cook 2021

About Nancy

Nancy Peck Cook is a trainer and speaker who has presented in front of large and small audiences for the past 25 years.  Her work as an executive and volunteer trainer for the American Cancer Society during the growth of the signature activity Relay For Life trained professionals to be more confident and successful in their roles. 

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