It’s summertime! Time for Farmer’s Markets and all of our favorite farm stand visits! We love fresh sweet corn from Hadley – there is this great stand right off 116 that has the best corn in the WORLD! Serious! Then there is this roadside home that puts out little 3 lb boxes of tomatoes that are just the best! We always go to the corner Organic Farm stand in Granby for our tomatoes and Saprowsky’s down the street has everything if we don’t get it at all the other stops along the way. We live in a Mecca for organic gardening…. it is all around us, stands on every corner… and it seems every town here in Western Mass has a farmer’s market weekly.
We all need to support these local heroes and it is so great that there is so much to see and choose from. It is a real adventure and experience at each market. The people are all so healthy and happy, quite the people fest…. I think a photo junket to take pics is in store soon! We love it!
I thought the individual colors in the salad was just beautiful. Hope you think so too!
Love our Simon Pearce dishes too — always great for photos and presentation – such a beautiful meal.