Hi Dr. Len –
We just got back from the oncologist and the diagnosis is diffuse large b-cell lymphoma. We have set up a second opinion by Dr. Jeffrey Barnes at MASS General on Friday. I have a PET scan scheduled for tomorrow with blood work and then an Ecko (?) test as well to test my heart. So busy in the next 2 days – to get all this done as we are going on our pre-planned vacation / ski camp trip to Mt. Hood for next week (after a little arm twisting and “negotiating” with Doc Smith) and then hit the ground running on the Monday we get back with Chemo as the regime for 6 cycles. of Rchop as the treatment. It should last a total of 4 months (through Nov).
We would love to talk to you at some point soon to get our arms around all of this — but so far are happy with the local Dr. Smith and her staff to expedite things through insurance and information to date.
Please let me know anything via email and if you have any time tomorrow afternoon after the PET scan to talk that would be great too. I have included you as a doctor to send all results and gave them the 250 Williams St. address. Please let me know if there is a different address to send info.
Thanks again for all your support.