Christmas Letter to Family & Friends

It’s that time of year, time to get in the spirit of Christmas. I love the cards, the letters, the photos ….. coming from all over the country from our friends and their families. I remember as a child receiving the letter from Aunt Pat with all the updates from each child in the family and then from the farm…. it was always a “good read” my dad would say as we got the card along with a photo, or sometimes just a card. Aunt Pat was so great about getting it out early and actually has a scrapbook where she has saved every photo and every letter she has sent out —- every year. Amazing woman —

The family photo sharing once a year at Christmas is a tradition for many, and others just to address and sign all the cards and share their favorite chosen card with all their friends seems to fit the bill. Others take the professional photo (which this year I was so lucky to photograph a few families with my Determination fundraiser for their card) — thanks to the Seifels, the Barbours, The O’Connell’s and the Courchesne families for their donation and the privilege to take those photos!

The letters vary from family to family – some a short update, some a nice detailed message, others (like the Coelho family) out do all with the 6-7 page laugh out loud rendition of life in California. I like to get the letters and read each one — I have many of them filed away for future reading when I need to catch up once again.

Oakley has been the writer of our letter of late. He does a great job and it is fun to take the update a little out of context. I was feeling a little rushed and behind this year, but still I was proud to do the assembly line of family photo, letter … and I found these great cards to make the whole package. In a day when Christmas gifts to friends are not as necessary — this Christmas package fits the times. I hope everyone enjoys our letter that I was able to mail — and if I missed you — I have posted it here for you!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah & Happy New Year to all!

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Nancy Cook 2021

About Nancy

Nancy Peck Cook is a trainer and speaker who has presented in front of large and small audiences for the past 25 years.  Her work as an executive and volunteer trainer for the American Cancer Society during the growth of the signature activity Relay For Life trained professionals to be more confident and successful in their roles. 

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