As one of the “official photographers at the American Cancer Society Celebration On the Hil 2006 in Washington DC on September 19 and 20. I had the honor to hang out like a groupie and photo these incredible muscians that donated their time for the limelight on stage that glorious day – September 2006. Celebration was such an emotional event with the survivors walking the reflecting pool in front of the capital and the luminaria ceremony to close the celebration that evening.
Here is a photo of me, with my gear around my neck wandering the grounds as “Joe Photo” for the event – my time with Rick Lubrant, the official ACS photographer was amazing – – I learned a lot from this great pro photographer and came home to buy my 80/200 VR lens for the Nikon D50. My photography during that time rose to a new level. I have more photos to share, but these were my faves from the entertainers…. I will have to do some research to get the names to update this slide show, but I thought you all would enjoy the images!
A new name to my photo business “Nancy E” is making its mark! : )Now I need to work with Shelley on my logo, now that life is calming down…