It’s Shutterbug Tuesday and time to share some of my photography!
Here is a photo of Schuyler and his Sunapee friends at the last time we were all together in 2007. It was a beautiful day to get together with friends. Friends that I have spent a lot of time sharing experiences, joys, trials and growth milestones as we were all moms of newborns when we met at New London Hospital in New Hampshire.
This first one is really my favorite showing Schuyler so happy and that genuine look in his eyes smiling for my camera.
The second one of him and his buddy John. John and Schuyler always have been close — John is the tallest in the group and Schuyler right behind, but never to catch up to John in size, but the size of their hearts, the gentleness of their souls is so incredibly true.
The third is the lineup of the kids waiting for the piniatta – you can see the strength in their youth, the smiles, the anticipation and just carefree, happy, fun attitude abound.
These photos were all taken at the Dexter’s Inn in Sunapee, New Hampshire – By the pool.
Hope you like these photos – please leave a comment if you stop by!
See below link for some more amazing photos from some really great photographers!