Boston Marathon Results!

Here it is…  the final results and to share with you the thank you note I sent to my donors… what a great marathon, a great focus for me during this crazy time in my life.  

Note:  On that Tuesday following the marathon on 4/19 there was an All Staff Briefing where they shared my “update” with the ACS staff nationwide.  I was honored as they share my story as inspiration and to show my Wonder Woman photo on screen and on the webcast.  I was in the air traveling to Salt Lake City for our annual family vacation at Snowbird and not able to see it live, but my friends shared the moment and the virtual cheers from across the country — how cool is that!

My thank you note:

Thank you to all the ACS DetermiNation volunteers and staff too!  

This truly was my best experience for DNation!  I consider myself an “expert”!  ðŸ™‚ 
The Dream Team was truly amazing with their participation and results!  
I had to share my results and experience in photos as it is truly a celebration of life for me to have these results after only 6 weeks after having my spleen removed and 5 months since my last chemo treatment.  ðŸ™‚  

“Focus on what makes you happy and strong, no matter what, live it, breathe on and you too will go beyond being a survivor!”
– Nancy E Cook

My Boston Marathon Results! 
(I looked these up for my thank you notes and had to share with all of you!) THANK YOU for your support of me during these past months of trials and tribulations! 🙂

9162 Cook, Nancy E 46 F Belchertown MA USA 
5k = 0:21:17
10k = 0:43:18
Half = 1:35:00
Overall pace = 0:08:02
Finish Time Official. = 3:30:27

98% finished that started the race – below is based on finishers 
Time Overall = 7797 out of 24338 = Top 32% of all finishers
Gender – 1447 = 10281 = Top 14% of all women
Division = 101 = 1611 = Top 6% in age 45-49
Top woman finisher in my age group was 2:51:02 and number 10 was 3:12:40
Definitely do-able times in my book for the future! 🙂

ACS DetermiNation
Boston is my #5 DetermiNation effort in less than 3 years !!
I raised $1933.80 for the American Cancer Society through the Boston Marathon effort and the amazing support of all my donors !!
The Dream Team (6 truly incredible athletes) raised $18,893.80 !!
19 marathon runners supported ACS DetermiNation at the Boston Marathon and raised $47,614.50 !!

Time for a new goals! 🙂
So incredibly happy with my results and the truly amazing efforts in the fight against cancer !!

What’s next? Vermont 50 miler in October and NYC Marathon in November and what ever else comes before that! 

Life is good. 🙂

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Nancy Cook 2021

About Nancy

Nancy Peck Cook is a trainer and speaker who has presented in front of large and small audiences for the past 25 years.  Her work as an executive and volunteer trainer for the American Cancer Society during the growth of the signature activity Relay For Life trained professionals to be more confident and successful in their roles. 

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