I love to experiment with photos and see what looks good in black and white.
These 3 recent shots I think hit the mark to enter for the Black & White Wednesday Photo Challenge.
Usually the color is great — but the imperfection in this flower and add it in a black & white version just worked.
Dom finally got UP on skis after so many attempts. Those of you who have waterskied and been slammed around on the water time and time again know the feeling of when you FINALLY get UP. Well he did it! Losing his center of balance here I caught him with skis in the air which made for a more dramatic affect. I love this photo for many reasons, but the beauty of the river and the look of success vs strain in Coach Dom’s face just works!
I posted this on my other blog as a self portrait. For some reason I just really love it. One of the comments I got over there was that it is DREAMY. It works for me.