Applefest Half Marathon – this weekend!

This weekend is the Applefest half marathon in Hollis that I have heard about for many years. Mike Ward and the Gate City Striders put on this world class race and it has quickly sold out for the past few years, so I recommended it to Judy and signed up myself months ago!

I haven’t been racing as much this summer after the mountain series, so I am very psyched for this weekend to be here. My training has been right on as I am also preparing for the Nike Woman’s Marathon in October (19) in San Fran. I just made my flight arrangements and really can’t wait for that trip!

First to focus on the race this weekend – 13.1 miles (pretty hilly – they give a course elevation and the middle of the race is the low point). Reminds me of Boston except exaggerated!

Here are my goals to follow suit from last season when I would look at one really aggressive goal, one realistic goal, and one goal that to beat even if I have to do it on one leg.

Here are my goals:
(with the caveat that I have not run this course before and haven’t raced since July – anything is possible)
I love hills! My training and speedwork are paying off… who said hills slow you down? = 1:29:30
The no alcohol plan and nutrition plan really did pay off too – smooth and strong! = 1:32
OK – maybe I need to spend a little more time with speedwork to keep up the pace with this crazy hilly course. = 1:34

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Nancy Cook 2021

About Nancy

Nancy Peck Cook is a trainer and speaker who has presented in front of large and small audiences for the past 25 years.  Her work as an executive and volunteer trainer for the American Cancer Society during the growth of the signature activity Relay For Life trained professionals to be more confident and successful in their roles. 

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