It\’s all uphill from here!
Early in the year my friend Kristin shared a post from a local running coach \”Coach Kim\” looking for runners to coach that were focused on Mt Washington. My choice to not do the Boston Marathon and change from my usual endurance and marathon focus to more mountain and trail racing was clear at that time and enthusiastically I said \”Sign me Up!\” The year started out focused and with a quiet first quarter ramping up (no pun intended) for the tallest peak in the East was my goal and I planned to crush it! Skiing and ski teaching at Stowe Mountain Resort in the winter is my priority but I got in some early miles and started the plan with my coach. I love the virtual support and someone looking at my performance and training to make me the best runner I can be! Truly it paid off! The Performance of the Year recognition from my Western Mass Distance Project Club was the culmination of the incredible results that I am sharing below. VERY proud of it all and despite the lack of \”real time\” race reports, I think it is great to share my results and reflect as I set some challenging and new goals for 2019.
SMAC Northampton 5K Cross Country Series

My focus in the beginning of the year was a commitment to race at the local 5k cross country series in Northampton MA. A priority goal was to break my age record. It has been incredible participating in the series this past season – coming as close as 10 seconds off the record! My PR for the season was a 22:37. Looking forward to 2019 where I will do my best to break the age record once again! Love this community of runners – such a great way to spend a Tuesday night – April to August! Below are my times for the 7 times I raced. Very happy with the results!

USTAF New England ALL Terrain Series
Run with the Beavers, Trail – 10 mi USATF-NE Championship (Chepachet RI) 1st in age, 9th woman, Time: 1:33;35 2nd Open Woman\’s Team
USATF-NE Open Championship – Track 1500 meters – (July 7 – Worcester MA) 6th woman, Time: 5:58:40
My first All Terrain Series! My first Track competition in my life! And I rocked the trail race. I committed to do the whole series and am so glad I did! I met some incredible women runners from the other clubs across the state and truly enjoyed every event. Looking forward to doing this again in 2019!
1st in my age! Run with the Beavers Trail Champs Cheryl and Kristin at Run with the Beavers! My first 1500 meter track event! The All Terrain Ladies! What fun we had!
USTAF New England Mountain Series
Pack Monadnock, NH 2nd in age 1:32:26 – 10 miles
Mt Wachusett , MA May – 1st in age – 27:46 – 3miles
Mt Washington NH June – 5th in age – 45th woman – 1st master team (I was 4th scorer) 1:39:50 – 7.2 miles
Loon Mountain Race, NH, (US Mountain Running Championships) – July 8 –4th in age – 1:32:14
Mt Greylock Road Race, MA Sept 1st – 2nd in Age group – 52nd overall, Time: 1:15:23:42 – 8 miles
Yes – I truly am drawn to the mountains! Mt Washington was my goal race and I was faster than last year! I feel my strongest on the mountains and in the hills – getting strength from my fellow mountain goats out there…. the community of mountain runners is the reason I love to do these races year after year!
Mt Greylock Photo of me by Coach Kim at Mt Greylock Loon Mtn Running Champs Walking Boss at the Loon Mountain National Championships Finished at the top of Mt Washington! Headwind on the road heading up Mt Washington
USTAF New England Cross Country Series
Greater Boston XC Festival – MA(Sept 9) 1st in age, 18th woman, 4th on Open Team (2nd), 3rd on Master\’s team (1st) 22:03 Distance 5k
WMDP XC Western MA (Sept 29) 2nd in age – 28:28 Distance 5K – 25th woman, 1st Senior Team
Wayland XC MA – (Oct 7) 22:51 Distance 5k- 1st in age, 28th woman, 5th on open team (2nd), 3rd on masters team (1st)
The Hills are Alive, Trapp Family Lodge, Stowe VT (Oct 28)- Distance 5k – 24:43 – 1st in age – Scored for Open (3rd) and Masters (1st) team
USTAF NE Cross Ctry Championships, Franklin Park, MA (Nov 7) Distance 6k 26:21 – 2nd in age – 2nd senior, 4th master, scored on master (1st) and senior (2nd) teams
Cross Country is a team sport! We count on every one getting out there on the trail and focusing on doing their best till the end. A smaller squad means we need your time to score – so every second counts!
My love for the trails is truly evident when I get out on a Cross Country course! I train on the trails every day with my dogs, Maverick & Muzzy — and fall being buy favorite time of the year makes it a great way to end the running season!
The Hills Are Alive ! Greater Boston Pie Race New England Championships Feature in New England Runner! Our home race! This ain\’t no Boston Country Club!
USTAF NE Grand Prix Road Series and more!
Lone Gull 10k – 4th in age, 264th overall, 2nd on open team (10th), 1st on master team (7th), 1st on senior team (4th) 43:13
NH 10 miler 1:14:44 – 4th in age, 2nd for WMDP Open Team
My first Lone Gull and it did not disappoint! The beach run and fun with these strong women made this a memorable trip and truly loved celebrating my Tier 1 achievement that day! The NH 10 miler was an amazing course – beautiful and HILLY – which I love! Jessica was truly a great traveling team mate and Apryl is our amazing top runner from WMDP. Fun times and great T-shirt \”What the Hill!\’ <3
NH 10 miler Lone Gull success! Amazing WMDP Ladies at Lone Gull – Vanessa, Anne, LeeAnn, Karin and me!
The Big Fourth – July 4 – Distance: 5k Time: 23:10- 2nd in age
One of my favorites because it is SO flat! And the Springfield Harriers do such a great job running this one every year – it\’s the best way to celebrate the 4th!
The Minnechaug Mile – August 18th – Distance 1 mile – Time: 6:17 – 1st female
A first time community event in Wilbraham, MA that my friend MacKenzie Gray was the official timer and helped to organize. Friends from SMAC attended and I gave it my best and was first overall female!
Eversource Hartford Half Marathon – October 12 – Distance 13.1 miles – 3rd in age – 48th female
My second time running the half marathon after running the full marathon 3 times prior. I love this course and the Hartford community. This year I ran for the American Cancer Society as a DetermiNation runner and raised $1000. My best friend Sue Ann was an amazing host and all the DNation runners were so fun to hang out with before the start. My buddy Wendy challenged me along the way to raise the funds needed to support the great mission of ACS and I was so happy to be a part of that team!

Amazing ACS Staff! The Hartford Marathon DetermiNation Team!
Bridge of Flowers Distance: 8K Time: 36:59 – 2nd in age 24th overall woman WMDP Master Team (2nd)
This is truly one of my favorite local races. We have so many of our team mates at this event and the whole community comes out to cheer! They shortened it to an 8K and kept the crazy hill! Truly one to keep on the calendar every year!
Hot Chocolate for Safe Passage – December 2- Distance 5K Time: 21:29 2nd in age, 12th overall age graded
There is nothing like running for a good cause. Our team is one of the top fundraising teams at this race every year and it is one of my favorites. I stay home from skiing this weekend to run with my WMDP team mates! It\’s one of the best races for participation and spirit in the whole state of Mass!
Hot Chocolate 5k Phoebe & Kristin & Me The Big Fourth Bridge of Flowers 8k A true running friend – Karin! My sweet \”sister\” Rachel kicked my butt at the finish! 2nd in my age at the Bridge of Flowers! The Minnechaug Mile
Awards and Recognition
1st overall in USTAF New England All Terrain Series Female / Master
1st overall in age USATF New England Cross Country Series
WMDP Respectees Best All Around performance award
Achieved WMDP Club Tier 1 status with a 10K time of 43:13
Incredibly proud of an amazing season with an amazing team. It is this team of women that inspire me to keep pushing to be the best I can be! Running may be an individual sport but it is the camaraderie of the runners that come to the races each week and weekend that make it fun and worth every bit of training! Thank you to Dana & ED for the car pool rides to Boston for XC – we missed Ruthie\’s van – but you guys are amazing! Love my running family ! Looking forward to new goals for the new year!
What is on your race schedule this next year? Please share below in the comments. Next up to set some new goals for 2019! Happy Trails and Climb those Mountains! Thanks for stopping by!