7:30 am Today is Schuyler’s Birthday Party and Schuyler runs into the room around 7 am to get us going, but needing some extra sleep I give him breakfast and head out for my run. Happy that I took the day off from work to prep for the party and spend some great quality time with my beautiful family. And that is where we begin, on this 12th day of the month. Here is today, in 12 photos….
8 am:
The fall foliage in the northeast is amazing and Oakley and I went out for our morning run in Belchertown, where there seems to be a horse farm of some sort on every corner. Shadow and Lakota at the bottom of our hill are the only names I know, but “we” say hi to all of them as we pass. A 5 mile loop run around Boardman Corner and home…
10 am:
Next to get the boat clean, we took it out for its last run yesterday and left it out to dry and clean for the am before bringing it to the Marina for winterizing tomorrrow. We had so many great rides on the boat this year on the Connecticut River and with Pam and family in Connecticut. Never enough time, but we plan on getting out more next year. The crazy rain from the beginning of the year really put us behind in days, but we did get some great skiing in!
11 am:
Steve & Schuyler spent a little time working the rope and puttinig in a zip line, but the logistics really didn’t work to have it ready for the party, so we decided to take it down. We plan on getting cable and hope to put it up before the snow flies. It was fun playing with it and imagining a ropes course in the back yard… looking forward to that. We did get the big oak tree down yesterday and it really opened up the yard to be bigger than ever!
12 noon:
Jake is the first to arrive for the costume birthday party – gift in hand, great costume with mask – I have him and all the 21 kids to follow sign in with their phone number just in case! 🙂 It was a good plan, because Owen didn’t feel good and mom needed to come pick him up. The boys and girls ages 7-10 run around the yard playing swords, balls, swinging, volleyball and just had a great time with eachother. The donut eating contest where we put mini donuts on a string is always a big hit!
Lynne, Fab, Mary and Alicia’s dad stayed to hang out and play with the kids and help me which worked out great. We had pizza, played tug of war and had them eat donuts off the strings and then cake! Schuyler LOVES ice cream cake and it was a hit! Presents were opened and goodie bags were delivered to each as they left with their moms and dads.
2 pm
Tug of WAR! So much fun to see the smiles and the kids pulling with all their might!
2:30 pm – Dan comes over with the rocket launcher and the guys set up the compressor with the water hose for some end of the party fun! Party is deemed a true success.
Happy Birthday Schuyler! The time flies watching our boy grow up!
3:30 pm- Cleaning up is always fun… Recycling the bottles, plates, forks and getting the garbage out to the garage… picking up the balls and the rope. The yard is clear again!
6 pm – Dinner time, we head to the store to pick up some of our favorite sirloin steak and a bottle of champagne to celebrate all our blessings of late. Between training, nutrition, Schuyler’s party, soccer and more – life has been so busy… We need to stop and say thank you for our health & happiness.
A great day for celebrating!
That’s my 12 of 12 for this month — check out this link for more 12 of 12 from around the world!