Post —-> I found this promotion while on Twitter and decided to take a chance and share my picture and a quick story / promo on DetermiNationa and why I run! Very cool that it was chosen. Here is the post (in case they delete it) 🙂
Washington DC marathon – my second of 3 marathons for the American Cancer Society DetermiNation. I run because I am strong, I run for all to celebrate life, so more people can celebrate more birthdays & my son may some day see a cancer free world. Boston here I come! My 25th marathon… as a top master runner in New England…. counting down… 14 days.
Then we get these weekly emails from BAA —- today’s email was quite informative, and worthy of a post! I have issues with hydration after my ER visit in 2007 — so I will definitely head this advice.
Hydration Tips for a Successful Race
To help runners stay properly hydrated leading up to and throughout race day, Gatorade will provide Gatorade Endurance Formula™ on-course to athletes participating in this year’s race.
G Series Pro Gatorade Endurance Formula is designed and used by elite athletes for endurance sports. It is a specialized sports drink with nearly twice the sodium (200 mg) of Gatorade® Thirst Quencher to help meet the needs of athletes during long-distance training and competitions.
To help runners stay properly hydrated leading up to and through race day, the Gatorade Sports Science Institute recommends utilizing the R.A.C.E. formula for hydration:
Replace Fluid Losses.
It’s important for athletes to minimize dehydration (weight loss during exercise). Marathon runners should try to prevent a loss of more than 1% to 2% of their body weight (e.g., a 150-lb athlete should not lose more than 1.5 to 3 lbs. per race). By weighing yourself before and after training runs under various environmental conditions, you can develop a good sense of your fluid replacement needs on race day and make adjustments based on the weather that day.
Avoid Over-Drinking.
Over-drinking (weight gain during exercise) can increase the risk of hyponatremia, a rare but dangerous condition that has been associated with excessive fluid intake and to some extend the loss of sodium in the sweat. While the sodium in Gatorade can reduce the risk of hyponatremia during the marathon, the risk still exists if too much of any fluid is consumed. Replace fluids based on weight loss, not guessing.
Check Your Urine.
If it’s light yellow (like lemonade) that’s usually a sign of good hydration. Crystal-clear urine often indicates over-hydration and the need to cut back. Dark urine (like the color of apple juice) may signal dehydration and the need to drink more.
Eat a Salty Diet.
If you are a heavy sweater or if you finish workouts with your skin and clothes caked with white residue, your diet should contain enough salt to replace those losses. Salting your food to taste is encouraged; during training runs and on race day, favor salty carbohydrate snacks and sports drinks over water to help replace the sodium lost in sweat.
This message is endorsed by the B.A.A.’s medical directors:
Pierre d’Hemecourt, MD (Co-Medical Director)
Sophia Dyer, MD (Co-Medical Director)
From Training Peaks:
You do not need to patronize Italian restaurants to ensure an adequate supply of complex carbohydrates. I sometimes choose a Chinese restaurant, because rice is also high in carbohydrates. Nancy Clark, R.D., director of nutrition services for SportsMedicine Brookline in Boston, and author of Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook (among the best books on the subject) points out that you can get plenty of carbs in most American restaurants. If you eat soup (such as minestrone, bean, rice, or noodle), potatoes, breads, and vegetables along with your main dish, and maybe grab a piece of apple cobbler off the dessert tray, you can end up eating more carbohydrates than fats or protein.
For more nutritional advice, go to: